We understand that this crisis has created a very difficult situation. Therefore we are taking steps to help our tenants the best we can. Understand that we are a family run business and this crisis impacts us just as much as it does our tenants. We ask all tenants that can pay their rent to do so like normal so that we can afford to help others that have limited options. If you have not been effected by this crisis meaning you did not loose your source of income you are required to pay your rent in full and on time like normal. 

1. We will not be charging late fees during this time. 

2. We will not be evicting tenants during this time as long as tenants attempt to pay what they can and agree to pay any back rent as this crisis fades.

Communication is key here! You must reach out to us so that we can make arrangements and to better understand your situation. Again if you can pay your rent like normal please do so! We all need to do our part during this crisis. 

If you have any further questions feel free to text or call us at 502-299-5669 or email at neighborspropertiesllc@gmail.com


KY Unemployment Website

​Unemployment Info

Please go to these sites ASAP and get what you need to get through this crisis. Also the federal government will be sending checks to individuals effected by this crisis. Please use these funds wisely. Do not hoard groceries and supplies. Pay your essential bills such as rent, utilities, groceries and so on! Again help us help you. 

We thank all of you for being great tenants and we wish you all the best. 

Thank you 


Quick Tips

Please do this BEFORE you request a repair

Quick Tips

Please do this BEFORE you request a repair

Air Conditioner Not Working? 

​​Neighbors Properties 

Winter is here - Get Prepared! 

Coronavirus Update - Our Attempt To Help

1. Replace your furnace filter

2. If you see "ICE" inside or outside:

  • TURN OFF your AC until ICE is melted and gone
  • This could mean your AC froze up due to poor air circulation (dirty filter)

3. Get your water hose and spray out the fins on your outside AC unit

4. Once ICE has melted and you have replaced the furnace filter, TURN ON your AC         and it should working properly

5. If all of the above was done and your AC is still not working please contact us for a       service call

Service calls may take up to 2 days as summer heat creates a large demand on our service providers. 

If you have any further questions feel free to call us at 502-299-5669

1. Keep your gutters cleaned out and downspouts pointing away from the home. (Do not get on the roof) If you notice blocked gutters please contact us ASAP. 

2. Show your furnace some love:

  • TURN OFF your furnace check and change filters as needed then turn back on. 
  • Make sure vents aren't blocked. You need air to flow!

3. Keep the outside air out and the inside air in. Make sure doors and windows are sealed and close tightly. 

4. Make sure your porch lights work. It gets dark earlier and you need to light the way. 

5. Drain and store your garden hoses. Make sure you do not leave them attached to the spigot as they will freeze and cause damage. 

Service calls may take up to 2 days as unknown issues create a large demand on our service providers. 

If you have any further questions feel free to call us at 502-299-5669

"A house isn't a home without neighbors "